Project Information

  • Title: B.I.N.T.I

  • Duration : 6 Months

BINTI is a project that focuses on three main aspects which are gender empowerment, social business development and home gardens. It aims at empowering young mothers and victims of early marriages on self awareness, developing creative means of financial independence and establishing organic home gardens. The project will be targeting victims who have experienced early pregnancies (70%) and early marriages (30%) under 18 years of age.


Its main activities will include training on gender, life skills, sexual and reproductive health (SRH), horticulture, business development and value addition. They will also receive psychosocial support as a mean to deal with trauma of gender-based violence. 


The project will involve YCI fellows closely from the development of tools for monitoring and to document the stories of changes of participants. Through this they will gain skills in project management, MEAL, and documentation skills.